1. Color printer - Inkjet or Laser
2. Graphics Software (PrintShop, Word etc.) or Candy Wrapper Ready-Made Graphics
3. Scanner &/or Digital Camera (if you'd like to add photos to wrappers)
4. Paper Cutter or pre-cut papers (If you are good with scissors, they will work too.)
5. Paper for Wrappers
6. Candy Bars
bonbon (if you are doing the wrapping for your clients - some candy wrappers just sell the wrappers)

                           To evaluation, you will need a computer with design and word-processing application, a shade printing device, reducing resources, and sales capability. You will make your wrappers on shiny document, and your printing device should be one that will make professional-looking wrappers.

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    October 2012

