1. Color printer - Inkjet or Laser
2. Graphics Software (PrintShop, Word etc.) or Candy Wrapper Ready-Made Graphics
3. Scanner &/or Digital Camera (if you'd like to add photos to wrappers)
4. Paper Cutter or pre-cut papers (If you are good with scissors, they will work too.)
5. Paper for Wrappers
6. Candy Bars
bonbon (if you are doing the wrapping for your clients - some candy wrappers just sell the wrappers)

                           To evaluation, you will need a computer with design and word-processing application, a shade printing device, reducing resources, and sales capability. You will make your wrappers on shiny document, and your printing device should be one that will make professional-looking wrappers.

                    You will make candy wrappers on your laptop which you then make, cut and cover onto pre-made sweets cafes, like Hershey sweets. A big part of this business is marketing your solutions to organizations.
              Individuals who will use custom-wrapped sweets for special offers, party prefers, reports or promotion strategies. Custom-wrapped sweets bars make wedding bonbon ceremony mementos and baby reports, so be sure to include new wedding brides and moms in your promotion plan.
                 Developing personalized candies wrappers is a popular home-based job option. This business is simple enough to start if you have a good shade printing device and primary computer abilities. bonbon The concentrate of this company is making sweets bar wrappers for marketing requirements and presents.

 Wrappers can be made for birth reports, party prefers, special event special offers, marriages, bathrooms, business special offers, fund-raisers and more. bonbon A these can be made at very low cost if you prepare them with a proper planning.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    October 2012

